Established in 1947, the School of Medicine Alliance (SMA) works to serve the School of Medicine and greater OHSU community; support OHSU’s healthcare, research, and education missions; and connect members through dynamic interest groups and fun social gatherings.
Members of SMA are involved in ongoing projects that serve our local community. Since 1985, one such project has provided a gift of a hand-knit blanket, a layette, a book, and a “First Foods” brochure to underserved families of newborns at OHSU hospitals. Scroll to the bottom of this page to see both the English and Spanish versions of the "First Foods" brochures. Committee members of the Blankets and Books for Babies (B3) group, together with our Threads interest group members, recruit community volunteers to make the blankets with material provided by the SMA, and SMA funds the purchase of the books and other layette items. An annual summer Garden Party fundraiser helps support the B3 project. SMA funds other service projects in the OHSU Hospital as well, such as the renovation of the Gwynn Brice Dockery Family Lounge in the NICU.
SMA also partners with educational programs within the OHSU School of Medicine to support projects that might otherwise go unfunded. SMA has spearheaded the renovation of student study and lounge spaces throughout OHSU, and provided needed equipment for students, funded elective courses, and supported the OHSU Food Resource Center, which aims to eliminate hunger in our community.
In addition to meeting to serve and support our local healthcare community, SMA members connect with one another in several special interest groups. Most popular are the Morning Book Group, the Evening Book Group, and the Garden Group. Our Movie Group is currently inactive (would you like to help restart it?) and while the Threads Group no longer meets formally, if you are interested in knitting blankets or hats for the Blankets and Books for Babies packets, please contact Diane Lowensohn. Members are encouraged to initiate new groups. The full SMA membership gets together periodically for group luncheons, which often host a guest speaker.
Membership is open to individuals supporting the goals of the OHSU School of Medicine Alliance. We invite you to join us as we build a new SMA for our ever-changing world. For information about joining, send an email to the Membership Chair, Donna Van Winkle at
Marjorie Grafe, MD, PhD, President
Jennifer Boyd, PhD, MBA, Vice President
Ginny Brooks, PhD, Treasurer
Donna Winkle, PhD, FAHA, Secretary
Members At Large
Micki Sparr
Anne Yoo, MBA
Molly Osborne, MD, PhD
Jodi Karr
Beth Habecker, PhD
Established in 1947, the School of Medicine Alliance (SMA) works to serve the School of Medicine and greater OHSU community; support OHSU’s healthcare, research, and education missions; and connect members through dynamic interest groups and fun social gatherings.
Members of SMA are involved in ongoing projects that serve our local community. Since 1985, one such project has provided a gift of a hand-knit blanket, a layette, a book, and a “First Foods” brochure to underserved families of newborns at OHSU hospitals. Scroll to the bottom of this page to see both the English and Spanish versions of the "First Foods" brochures. Committee members of the Blankets and Books for Babies (B3) group, together with our Threads interest group members, recruit community volunteers to make the blankets with material provided by the SMA, and SMA funds the purchase of the books and other layette items. An annual summer Garden Party fundraiser helps support the B3 project. SMA funds other service projects in the OHSU Hospital as well, such as the renovation of the Gwynn Brice Dockery Family Lounge in the NICU.
SMA also partners with educational programs within the OHSU School of Medicine to support projects that might otherwise go unfunded. SMA has spearheaded the renovation of student study and lounge spaces throughout OHSU, and provided needed equipment for students, funded elective courses, and supported the OHSU Food Resource Center, which aims to eliminate hunger in our community.
In addition to meeting to serve and support our local healthcare community, SMA members connect with one another in several special interest groups. Most popular are the Morning Book Group, the Evening Book Group, and the Garden Group. Our Movie Group is currently inactive (would you like to help restart it?) and while the Threads Group no longer meets formally, if you are interested in knitting blankets or hats for the Blankets and Books for Babies packets, please contact Diane Lowensohn. Members are encouraged to initiate new groups. The full SMA membership gets together periodically for group luncheons, which often host a guest speaker.
Membership is open to individuals supporting the goals of the OHSU School of Medicine Alliance. We invite you to join us as we build a new SMA for our ever-changing world. For information about joining, send an email to the Membership Chair, Donna Van Winkle at
Marjorie Grafe, MD, PhD, President
Jennifer Boyd, PhD, MBA, Vice President
Ginny Brooks, PhD, Treasurer
Donna Winkle, PhD, FAHA, Secretary
Members At Large
Micki Sparr
Anne Yoo, MBA
Molly Osborne, MD, PhD
Jodi Karr
Beth Habecker, PhD

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